Game Talk Network is Alive and Well. We continue to produce multiple videos a week for our Youtube channels.
Board Game Rundown.
Miniatures Rundown.
RPG Rundown.
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The longer, less interesting, but honest answer as to what happened to our site.
When we launched last year, we hired a remote person to make our site look pretty and be functional. That person spent a few weeks, having us buy licenses for various tools they needed to do the job. After about 6 weeks we asked for an update on the progress and they pretty much ghosted us for 2 weeks. When we closed the contract, they actually messaged us and asked for a positive review, citing they just got busy with other jobs…
We hire a second person, who balked at the tools the first person installed and requested other sets of tools. 8 week later ghosted again…
We hire a third person. This time, a local person i can meet with, IN person. They start off trying to figure out what the previous 2 people did and did a pretty great job considering the challenge of figuring out which tools did what to where. But the site continued to have usability and presentation issues that noone could really identify the cause of, other than many of the tools installed by the previous contractors, were in conflict. Since changes made with those tools required the tools to remain, we couldn’t just turn off the conflicting things without breaking the site.
One possible course, was to turn off the conflicting things and then go through and fix all the stuff that was broken. We decided it would easier to just wipe and reinstall from scratch rather than spend unknown amounts of time chasing down issues from 3 or 4 previous webmaster type people.
Thus, here we Are. Stay Tuned.
Vist our channels and SUbscribe to them. That really helps us a bunch!!!